Erinnerung an Dr. Charlotte Klein

von Dieter Kittlauß

Publikationen von Charlotte Klein

Publikationen in Englisch


Englische und deutsche Literatur:


Doctoral thesis, 1967: The Portrait of the Jew in German and English Fiction and Drama: 1830-1933, London University.


Reflections Upon Two Plays (The Representative and Andorra), Common Ground, Autumn 1963.


The Changing Image of the Jew in Modern English Literature, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 5, No. 2 March-April, 1971.


English Antisemitism in the 1920s (Belloc's The Jews and Galsworthys' Loyalties), Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 6, No. 2 March-April 1972.


Katholiken und Juden:


Roman Catholics and the Eider Brother, World Jewry, No. 5, Vol. V, Sept./Oct. 1962.

Ecclesia & Synagoga: Past and Present, I The Past, Pax Romana, No. 3,1964 II The Present, Pax Romana No. 4,1964.


The Church and the Jews, The Furrow, No.l 1, Vol. XV, Nov. 1964.


Christian-Jewish Relations and the Ecumenical Movement, Seminarium, No. 3 1968.


Christians, Jews and Ecumenism, Catholic Mind, March 1969.

Catholics and Jews - Ten Years after Vatican II, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, „Jews and Christians in Dialogue", Fall 1975, Vol. 12, No. 4.


German Bishops' Declaration, A Critical Appreciation, Christian-Jewish Relations, No. 73, December 1980.

Pioneer of a New Age, Christian-Jewish Relations, Vol. 14, No. 4 (77); December 1981 „Augustin Cardinal Bea, 1881-1968, Thoughts on his Centenary".

From Conversion to Dialogue - The Sisters of Sion and the Jews: A Paradigm of Catholic-Jewish Relations, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Summer 1981


The New Spirit among Jewish Converts to Catholicism, Chtristian-Jewish Relations, Vol. 16 No.l March 1983.




The Vatican and the Jews, The Synagogue Review, May 1965.


Vatican View of Jewry, 1939-1962, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 43 August 1975.


Damascus to Kiev. Civilta Cattolica on Ritual Murder, The Wiener Library Bulletin, Vol. XXVII New Series No. 32, 1974.


Vatican and Zionism, 1897-1967, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 36-37, June-August, 1974.


The Vatican and German-ltalian Antisemitism in the Nineteen-Thirties, Judaica, September, 1975.


Vaticanum II:


Vatican and Jewry, The Two Ecumenical Councils, 1869 & 1962, The Wiener Library Bulletin, Vol. XVII, No. 2. April 1963; The Catholic World, December 1963.


New Vision at the Vatican, A Roman Commentary, The Wiener Library Bulletin, Winter 1965-66, Vol. XX No. 1.


Jews and Christians after Vatican II, Until He Comes, ed. Nicholas Lash, Pflaum Press, Drayton, Ohio, 1968.


Guidelines 1967-1982: A Preliminary Balance Sheet, Christian-Jewish Relations, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 1984.


Juden und Judentum in christlicher Theologie:


Antijudaism in Christian Theology, Fortress Press/SPCK, 1978


A German Survey of the State of Catechetics, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, August 1972.


Oriental Liturgies and the Jews, Sobornost, Series 6, No. 7.


The Gospel According to German Theology Students, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 48, June 1976.


The Theological Dimensions of the State of Israel, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol, 10, No. 4 Fall 1973.


Dialogue Must Not Blur the Differences, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 51, December 1976.

The Holocaust and Its Effects, Common Ground, No. 2,1978.


Christology After Auschwitz, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 61, August 1978.


A New Catholic Understanding of Judaism, Christian-Jewish Relations, No. 71, June 1980


Catechetics and the Jews, Some Notes for Teachers, The Clergy Review, Vol. LXIV, No. 9, Sept. 1979.


Anti-Judaism in a German Missal, Christian-Jewish Relations, Vol. 17, No. 2 June 1984.


Oberammergau: The Gospel Distorted, The Tablet, Vol. 223, No. 6758, 28.11.1969.


The Gospels and the Oberammergau Passion Play, The Catholic World, April 1970.


The Gospel Distorted in the Obveramrnergau Passion Play, Christian-Jewish Relations, Vol. 17, No. 3, Sept. 1984.


Christliches Lehren im Wissen um seinen jüdischen Hintergrund:


Publications of the Study Centre for Christian-Jewish Relations. (formerly The Centre for Biblical & Jewish Studies):

- The Pharisees,

- The Synagogue,

- The Passover and the Last Supper,

- Gospel Parables: Origin & Interpretation,

- The Sabbath,

- The Covenant,

- Chosen Peoples,

- Jesus in His Time,

- The Primitive Church and its break with the Synagogue (with Mary Kelly)

- Pentecost,

- New Year, Day of Atonement and Lent (with Mary Kelly)

- The Prayers of Jesus in their Contemporary Setting (with Mary Kelly),

- Commentary on the Sunday Lectionary 1972-3 (with Mary Kelly).


The Gospel in its Hebrew Setting: A Guide for Sermons, Christian Attitudes on Jews and Judaism, No. 33, December 1973.

The Word Grows: Thoughts and Suggestions for Preaching in Advent and Lent with Special attention to the Jewish background, Clergy Review, Vol. LXV, No. 11, November 1980, Vol. LXVI, No. 3 March 1981, Vol LXV No. 4 April 1981 (with Mary Kelly)

Jewish Women in the Time of Mary of Nazareth, The Bible Today, April 1972 (republished Common Ground, Autumn 1972 and The Bible Today Reader, 1973).


Andere Themen:


The Dreyfus Affair and the British Press, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 12, No. 2, March-April, 1978.


Jews, Christians, Muslims under Turkish Rule, 1860-1907, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 12, No. 4, July-August, 1978.


The International Conference of Christians and Jews, Cambridge, August 7-14,1966, The Ecumenist, Vol. 5, No. 3, March-April, 1967.


When Silence is not a Virtue in a Stuffy Sermon, Catholic Herald.


A Catholic Assessment (on the Tenth Anniversary of Nostra Aetate), Jewish Chronicle, 24/10/75


Separation and Reunion, A Radio Broadcast for Good Friday 1983, Radio Cardiff


A Forgotten Synagogue, Association of Jewish Refugees Information, June 1987.

Plus numerous book reviews.

Publikationen in Deutsch:


Kirche und Juden. Zwischen den Beiden Vatikanskonzilen (Verlag Hans Driewer, Essen).


Das Gebet, in: Das Unverzichtbare am Christentum (Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1971).


Theologie und Anti-Judaismus (Chr. Kaiser Verlag, München, 1975).


Das jüdisch-christliche Gespräch - einst und jetzt, in: Emuna (Frankfurt/Main, X. Jahrgang, Nr. 1/2, März/April, 1975).


Jüdische Frauen in der Zeit Marias von Nazareth, in: Emuna (X. Jahrgang, 1975, Supplementheft 1), auch in: Bibel heute (62, 2. Quartal, 1980).

Publikationen in Italienisch:


Le Relazioni Cristiano-Giudaiche e il Movimento Ecumenico in Seminarium (Anno XX - Nuova Serie: Anno VII - N. 3, Luglio-Settembre 1968)

Publikationen in Schwedisch:


Israel i Teologiskt Perspektiv in Credo (Uppsala, Arg. 53, 1972, Nr. 2)

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung aus:
Christology and Religions Pluralism.
In memoriam Charlotte Klein,
hrsg. von Mary Kelly NDS, London, 1990, S. 57-60